viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2011

2ºA Unit 3 Key to workbook exercises

Hi kids!

Here's a a couple of link to the corrected workbook exercises. You can get them:

a) As five images compressed in a .rar file. Go HERE look for the link 2ESO Unit3 Workbook Key (Scroll page down because the link is at the bottom)

b) As a pdf file that you can read online or download HERE

Good luck with your test!!!

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011


Hi students!! Sandy Millin acknowledges your contribution to her survey via Twitter. I'll take it into account as well.

Do not pay attention to misspelling: Twitter is fast and works like that.

4 ESO Revisions 1 & 2 Key

Hi guys. I'm sorry I couldn't upload this earlier today, but there it goes, anyway. Here's the key to Unit 3 workbook Revisions 1 and 2: just click HERE and look for the link 4ESO Unit 3 Key to download the image (the link is right at the bottom of the page)
Good luck with tomorow's exam!!!

lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2011

A survey

Dear students: Sandy Millin, an English teacher I met on Twitter, needs to collect some information about how students use (or don't use) ICT to learn English so as to use obtained data in a lecture she's giving in March. If you have some minutes to spare, please click on the link below to fill it in.

See you on Wednesday!